Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Hate Balls

My personal feelings for Katherine Heigl aside (not the biggest fan...), I'm both happy and amused that she's taken up the sterilization cause and is working to educate people on the importance of spay/neuter!! It still amazes me that people argue against sterilization, especially when they're usually the ones who are helping to make the pet overpopulation problem worse instead of better...unless you have a better idea than sterilization, don't argue with those trying to control overpopulation. Too many animals are killed in shelters each year because of irresponsible people, and that's just not okay.
So cheers to Katherine Heigl for speaking out about what's right and responsible, and for not backing down when all the haters hate!!! And even more so for doing it with a sense of humor!!!!

Here's her "I hate balls" video

And here's her website

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