Neuri is still a bit shaky, so it's hard to get a good picture of her, but at least you can see how pretty she is! She's got the cutest little face, and such a loving personality!! She'll also need a forever home once she's back to being an independent cat, so start spreading the word. This is one case where her life really truly does depend on the kindness of humans!!!!
She went back to Dr. Kramer this morning for a check up, and while she's definitely getting more responsive with her reflexes (and more coordinated) it looks like her vision is still very minimal. She doesn't react to movements near her, and she does show some fear with too many loud sounds around her, both indications that she can't see beyond some basic reactions to light. At least she's getting stronger and healthier though... she can deal with being blind if that's the case.
Her respiratory infection is at about 50% now, which is a huge improvement, so we switched up the antibiotics to try and knock out that last bit. She also got her 3 in 1 vaccination, which will hopefully help her fight off any viral infections that may be working their way through her system.
Slowly but surely she's getting better, and before long she'll be a normal (albeit special) kitty!!!
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