Every day the kittens get a little strong and a little smarter. They're now starting to explore while they learn to walk without wobbling (still not very good at it though), and sometimes they even try to clean themselves (but usually just end up falling over). I give them credit for trying!
I also decided they're now old enough (and out of the woods) to get names, and as I'm also a Harry Potter freak in addition to being a cat freak (as I'm often told I am), they each got HP names. I usually name all my cats after authors (I'm also a book nerd), but this time I figured "I saved them, I can name them whatever I want". So HP names it is. Meet Sirius, James, Lily and Remus.... the four inseparable kittens who fight evil with their fuzzy cuteness!!

They've also stepped it up to a bigger kitten house, where they can run around all night if they so choose (but they usually don't... growing bones require lots of sleep!!)
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