Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Rescue Stories

Yesterday one of the women who helps feed the campus cats introduced me to a friend of hers who was having a "catmergency". She had found a little 5 week old kitten near campus that had been rejected by the mother and the other feral cats, and was pretty beaten up and hungry. She was willing to adopt the kitten, but the problem was catching the little critter.

So after work we set out to catch the baby. Turns out he was absolutely willing to go home with her, and hopped right into the pet carrier as soon as the can of food was placed inside (I didn't even have time to open the trunk and get the traps out before this little one gave himself over to us).
He was in rough shape, some cuts on his face and a whole lot of dirt, but no visible signs of sickness. He got a bath that night, which helped a lot, and some medicine to help with worms and other stomach issues. He's been eating really well, and has been purring up a storm in his new loving home!! Of course he's got furry playmates (that he will eventually meet after testing), and two older kids to play with, so who wouldn't be happy??!!! Later this week he'll go to the vet for testing, and then he'll probably go with me later this month for sterilization and vaccinations.

It's always great to have a success story like this!! It makes all the rescue and TNR work absolutely worth it!!!! And she was so happy to have the little guy that she made a donation towards the care of the other cats on campus!

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