I have been a long time season pass holder at Universal Studios in Orlando, and often stay onsite at the Lowes hotels when I visit the theme parks for the weekend. After learning some very upsetting news this morning about a company I used to support, I can honestly say I will never stay at another Lowes Hotel until their recent actions against their feral cats have been amended. TNR is the only solution for dealing with feral cat colonies, and as history has shown us - where there is a feral colony there will always be a feral colony. Removing cats and having them killed (because taking them to a shelter is a certain death sentence) will only give room for more cats to move in and take over the area, thus continuing the cycle of trap-kill-repeat. Only by practicing TNR and properly maintaining a colony can you ever hope to stop the problem of over population!
Citing human health concerns as the justification for killing innocent animals who have been taught to feel safe (Lowes used to have an excellent TNR program in Orlando, and even built cat houses for the feral colonies on their property), only further shows that ignorance is acceptable and misinformation is too often taken as fact. An extensive study by Stanford University has shown without question that health problems in cats DO NOT affect humans, and a properly controlled feral cat colony can actually be beneficial to the humans who interact with them. Lowes is taking a stance based on ignorance, and touting it as hard evidence to justify the cruelty they are practicing. I urge all my friends, readers and fellow animal lovers to not only boycott Lowes Hotels, but to tell them exactly what you think about what they're doing!!!
The article below was taken from Catster, and I urge you all to heed their advice and take up arms!!! Together we can be speak for those who cannot defend themselves, and we will be heard!!!
Call to Action: Loews Hotel at Universal Suddenly Stops TNR Program, Begins Trapping Feral Cats, Sending them to Kill Shelter
Loews Hotels at Universal Orlando had a model TNR program. They were a great example of how it can work, and even built “cat mansions” for their ferals to eat comfortably from.Two days ago, however, they completely reversed their stance and began trapping the cats in their cared-for feral colony and supposedly taking them to a local shelter, citing guest safety as the reason. I think we all know what fate feral cats have at shelters — they are generally not adoptable, so sending them there is almost certain death.
From what I have heard, there are only 10 cats at the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel and 12 cats at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort there. Twenty-two precious, innocent lives. The fact alone that there are so few on such a large property shows that TNR works.
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One of the beautiful, safe feeding stations set up for the cats at Loews Portofino, now a trap is set RIGHT next to it. |
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Loews had a model TNR program to be proud of (and they touted it with signs!), and now this is what they're doing? Trapping right where the cats feel safe. |
This is me writing from my own outrage. I know I personally would never stay at one of their hotels knowing they are doing this. I’m sure most of you would feel the same.
This is what Loews Portofino Hotel posted on their Facebook page in response to everyone’s concern for their cats and disappointment in their stopping their TNR program:
“Loews Hotels is a pet-friendly hotel brand and we support the humane treatment of animals. It is important to share the facts surrounding this issue. Feral cats at our Orlando hotels are being humanely trapped and taken to a local shelter. For liability reasons, we were advised not to maintain a cat colony in our hotel environment. All cats that were part of an established colony on property are being safely re-located. Our commitment to addressing this issue in a humane and responsible way will continue.”
Loews main Facebook page posted this:
“We appreciate and respect the opinions expressed. While Loews loves pets, like many Florida businesses, we have plans and procedures to address issues involving outdoor, undomesticated animals on our property. The decision to remove the feral cat colony humanely and relocate them to a local shelter takes into consideration the safety and comfort of all our guests.”
They insist what they are doing is “humane and responsible,” but I fail to see how sending cats to certain death is either of those — humane trap or not.
So how can we help save these innocent cats?
Consider contacting Loews Hotel and Universal and letting them know what they are doing is not right. There are better ways.Here is the contact information I’ve been able to gather. Feel free to contact any or all of them, but let’s try to do it diplomatically and rationally. We want them to see our view and concern, not think we’re a bunch of crazy loonies (we’re not, of course, but I don’t want them to dismiss our concerns for any reason).
The GM of Loews (whose decision this ultimately was) — Mr. David Bartek, 407-503-9000, dbartek@loewshotels.com
These two hotels Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LoewsUniversalOrlando
The entire company’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LoewsHotels
Twitter account: http://twitter.com/Loews_Hotels
CEO of Loews: Jtisch@loewshotels.com
Director of Public Relations for Loews: Jennifer Hodges, call 407 503-9090, fax 407-503-9005, jhodges@loewshotels.com
PR rep for Universal Studios: Vince Laruffa, Vince.Laruffa@universalorlando.com
Write a review on their Google maps page (Right now they have 3.5 stars – let’s post about this there! Scroll a little at the link to the red “REVIEW” button.) Loews Portofino page here and Loews Royal Pacific page here.
Leave a review on their Travelocity pages here and here.
Leave a review on their Hotels.com pages: Loew’s Portofino Hotels.com page and Loews Royal Pacific Hotels.com page.
Just a note: All of this is my opinion. Blogging can be incredibly powerful, and I hope that by spreading the word about what Loews is doing, it helps save these innocent cats. Please feel free to pass this along or write posts of your own. Like my good friend at I Have Cat posted: “Don’t mess with cat people!”
Now let’s let them know how unhappy we are with their decision! I’ll post updates here as I hear any new information. Please share in the comments if you do, too!
I posted a review on Google. This makes me sad and a little sick at my stomach.
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