Yesterday I mentioned the water fountain I bought for the cats, so I thought I would share a little more information about it, since it's such a great thing to have with animals.
I purchased the Catit Drinking Fountain from Amazon because a few of mine were always sticking their paws in their water bowl trying to move the water around. At first I couldn't figure out why they were doing this, but then I read that cats like moving water and will actually drink more if they have a drinking fountain. The beneficial part of that being that by drinking more the cats will all be healthier and develop fewer urinary infections.
Most of the cats took to it right away, although a couple of them kept sticking their paws in the center trying to figure out what was going on. All of them drink from it now though, and won't drink anything else (except water in the sink...). I have to say this is one of the best cat related purchases I've made in a long time, and I highly recommend it!!!
Here's the "official" information from the Catit site:
Like humans, pets require water as a vital element for survival. Water constitutes approximately 70% of a cat's or dog's body. Encouraging your pets to drink more water helps promote their health and well-being.
The Catit® Design Fresh & Clear Drinking Fountain with Food Bowl responds to your pet's need for a continuous supply of water. Re-circulating water with greater exposure to oxygen provides fresh-tasting, cool, filtered water for pets with a multitude of health benefits.
Encouraging cats to drink more water helps ensure proper kidney function and may descrease the incidence of crystal formation and urinary disease (FUS).
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