The three new cats went in for their spay on Thursday (they all turned out to be females, so hooray for getting them sterilized before they start reproducing!!), along with the mother of one of the Music School litters on campus. The Meow Mobile was also having a bit of a rush that morning (too many cats, not enough staff), so I volunteered to stay and help. And I'm glad I did. I'm now on volunteer rotation for the clinic, and get to help with all the sterilizations... something I didn't think I'd be able to do but am so happy to find that I can actually be more hands on!! I went back to volunteer at the Miami Beach event on Sunday, and was taught how to prep the cats (vaccinating, shaving, sterilizing the surgery area, etc) and how the Meow Mobile runs in general. We ended up sterilizing 50 cats that day, which is 50 more that won't be having babies!! I also want to say for the record, that as someone who is insanely scared of needles and shots I found that I have no problem at all giving shots to cats. I guess it has to do with the human skin more than anything else, because I normally faint when I see a needle and have to get shots. Administering vaccinations and medications to cats however, is easy breezy (although it may also be that for them it's a good thing... shots for me I'm still not convinced about;)!!).
And now to find more dates in which I can volunteer my time, and more ways in which I can help in general. It's nice to be a part of the solution:)
Music School Mama:

Skinny Kitty Mama:

Kitten #1:

Kitten #2:

PS. The cats are all doing quite well. Music School Mama is back on campus and has returned to her colony friends. The other mama and her kittens have completely settled into their new home, and love playing with their new little boy:)
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