Monday, December 5, 2011

An Awkward Trapping Adventure

Tonight, we trap!

The catch - I'm on crutches.

I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work out, but I do (hopefully) have a few volunteers meeting me later this evening from the Pre-Vet Society on campus. I'll be teaching them how to trap feral cats in exchange for help lifting and placing the traps (what better way to learn than fully hands on?!).
I'll be targeting a colony of littermates near the Science Building, one of whom has already been caught (he was tame enough for the feeder to pick him up and put him in the carrier earlier this afternoon). That just leaves three more spots to fill for tomorrow's sterilizations!!!
Hopefully all goes as planned and we end up with kitties in the traps!!:) It feels good to be back on this side of sterilizations!

We were able to catch the other kitten by the science building, but the mother was no where to be found... she's a tricky one, but she also just moved herself up to the most wanted spot on my list. I'll be trying for her again later this month (it's easier to trap on campus when all the students are gone for the holidays).
We also caught a small kitten near the Music School, but sadly the trap malfunctioned and baby cat escaped. At least that one will be easy to catch again later (and we have a little more time since it's still too young to start reproducing). That mother is also on the elusive side, but I will catch her all in due time.

After calling it a night on campus I decided to try for a few kittens that live in my neighborhood, just so I could make my number of appointments on the Meow Mobile. Sure enough it only took seconds for two of the four to make their way into the traps, filling my quota. The other two I'll trap in the coming weeks, and any others that I find (I'm working on cleaning up the feral colony on my block - see earlier posts for the backstory).

So now the 4 kitties are awaiting their sterilizations on the Meow Mobile, where they'll also get the rabies vaccine and Revolution to treat fleas, mites, lice and worms. I'll pick them up at 3, take them home for recovery (and get pictures for my database), and then they'll go back to their friends tomorrow!
I'm so glad I was able to catch a good round of ferals, and that the Pre-Vet Society was there to help!! Hopefully they continue with the mission:)

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