Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trouble at Target

Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much. Or that it didn't feel like nature was pinning all this on me.
Last night as I ran a simple errand to Target to get a few stocking stuffers, a small cat ran across my path in the busy parking lot. It looked to be about 4 months old, and my first reaction was that it had wondered over from a nearby neighborhood and couldn't find it's way back. So I went inside, bought some cat food, and drove around the parking lot until I found the cat in question. I lured it to a less busy area of the parking lot and put out some food to see how friendly it was. That's when the second kitten came.
It then seemed more like a litter had just been dumped there, either in the hopes that a shopper would pick them up, or more likely that they would be killed (maybe someone who felt better about doing it this way than throwing them in a lake or something). Either way, they were small, starved and going to be hit by a car soon enough. The second one had already been injured, as it was missing most of its tail and only had a messy stump.
So I ran home, got two traps and my supplies (including my trapper in crime- Anna) and back we went for the kittens.
We trapped the first one right off the bat, but stubby butt was way too scared to catch easily. Added to that were two security guards who not only didn't support what we were trying to do, but actively tried to keep us from catching the second kitten. After giving it some time but realizing we weren't going to catch it with the two of them there, we exchanged a few heated words and then left to revise our strategy.
I haven't given up trapping the second kitten, and I absolutely will be back with reinforcements, but in the mean time I'm working to fatten up the one we did trap and then I'll release it in with my colony. I know that's not the best course of action, but it's the best option I have in an otherwise bad situation, and at least it gives this kitten a better chance at a decent life than it would have trying to survive in one of the busiest shopping center parking lots in Miami. And in the mean time I'll try to remember that just because they hiss and cry while in the trap, this is better for them- they just don't know it.

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